Source code for bitbucket.issue

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .issue_comment import IssueComment

URLS = {
    # Issues
    'GET_ISSUES': 'repositories/%(username)s/%(repo_slug)s/issues/',
    'GET_ISSUE': 'repositories/%(username)s/%(repo_slug)s/issues/%(issue_id)s/',
    'CREATE_ISSUE': 'repositories/%(username)s/%(repo_slug)s/issues/',
    'UPDATE_ISSUE': 'repositories/%(username)s/%(repo_slug)s/issues/%(issue_id)s/',
    'DELETE_ISSUE': 'repositories/%(username)s/%(repo_slug)s/issues/%(issue_id)s/',

[docs]class Issue(object): """ This class provide issue-related methods to Bitbucket objects.""" def __init__(self, bitbucket, issue_id=None): self.bitbucket = bitbucket self.bitbucket.URLS.update(URLS) self.issue_id = issue_id self.comment = IssueComment(self) @property def issue_id(self): """Your repository slug name.""" return self._issue_id @issue_id.setter def issue_id(self, value): if value: self._issue_id = int(value) elif value is None: self._issue_id = None @issue_id.deleter def issue_id(self): del self._issue_id
[docs] def all(self, repo_slug=None, params=None): """ Get issues from one of your repositories. """ repo_slug = repo_slug or self.bitbucket.repo_slug or '' url = self.bitbucket.url('GET_ISSUES', username=self.bitbucket.username, repo_slug=repo_slug) return self.bitbucket.dispatch('GET', url, auth=self.bitbucket.auth, params=params)
[docs] def get(self, issue_id, repo_slug=None): """ Get an issue from one of your repositories. """ repo_slug = repo_slug or self.bitbucket.repo_slug or '' url = self.bitbucket.url('GET_ISSUE', username=self.bitbucket.username, repo_slug=repo_slug, issue_id=issue_id) return self.bitbucket.dispatch('GET', url, auth=self.bitbucket.auth)
[docs] def create(self, repo_slug=None, **kwargs): """ Add an issue to one of your repositories. Each issue require a different set of attributes, you can pass them as keyword arguments (attributename='attributevalue'). Attributes are: * title: The title of the new issue. * content: The content of the new issue. * component: The component associated with the issue. * milestone: The milestone associated with the issue. * version: The version associated with the issue. * responsible: The username of the person responsible for the issue. * status: The status of the issue (new, open, resolved, on hold, invalid, duplicate, or wontfix). * kind: The kind of issue (bug, enhancement, or proposal). """ repo_slug = repo_slug or self.bitbucket.repo_slug or '' url = self.bitbucket.url('CREATE_ISSUE', username=self.bitbucket.username, repo_slug=repo_slug) return self.bitbucket.dispatch('POST', url, auth=self.bitbucket.auth, **kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, issue_id, repo_slug=None, **kwargs): """ Update an issue to one of your repositories. Each issue require a different set of attributes, you can pass them as keyword arguments (attributename='attributevalue'). Attributes are: * title: The title of the new issue. * content: The content of the new issue. * component: The component associated with the issue. * milestone: The milestone associated with the issue. * version: The version associated with the issue. * responsible: The username of the person responsible for the issue. * status: The status of the issue (new, open, resolved, on hold, invalid, duplicate, or wontfix). * kind: The kind of issue (bug, enhancement, or proposal). """ repo_slug = repo_slug or self.bitbucket.repo_slug or '' url = self.bitbucket.url('UPDATE_ISSUE', username=self.bitbucket.username, repo_slug=repo_slug, issue_id=issue_id) return self.bitbucket.dispatch('PUT', url, auth=self.bitbucket.auth, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, issue_id, repo_slug=None): """ Delete an issue from one of your repositories. """ repo_slug = repo_slug or self.bitbucket.repo_slug or '' url = self.bitbucket.url('DELETE_ISSUE', username=self.bitbucket.username, repo_slug=repo_slug, issue_id=issue_id) return self.bitbucket.dispatch('DELETE', url, auth=self.bitbucket.auth)